Built to house the Bethel family through Armageddon. Rutherford would be ensconced in his bunker at Beth Shan.
Built to house the Bethel family through Armageddon. Rutherford would be ensconced in his bunker at Beth Shan.
Here in the UK others in the congregation are usually called "brothers" or "brothers and sisters". However we hear the term "friends" used quite a lot these days, usually on US WT media. Thursday's video about a CO couple is typical, "The FRIENDS were there to meet us". It sounds so false.
watched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform.
anyway, watch it !
it is disgusting but enlightening.
I thought I had seen this somewhere:
(3023) Judah Ben Schroeder: The Little Boy Born at Bethel - YouTube
the only spirit-directed organization on earth never ceases to amaze me.. https://www.youtube.com/live/0u2ohrbdm-c?feature=share.
A video that lasts 1:56:03 and it's only Part 1? I'm sure I can spend whatever time I have left in more worthwhile pursuits.
watched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform.
anyway, watch it !
it is disgusting but enlightening.
so he spoke with GB member Albert Schroeder about it.
Did not Schroeder's son, Ben Judah, go to university?
watched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform.
anyway, watch it !
it is disgusting but enlightening.
Back in1969 they said if you are thinking of a 3 or 4 year college course you will never fulfil any career as Armageddon will be here before then. Those that graduated in the 1970's are now at or near retirement and the system is still going strong.
I went to Uni and never regretted it. The thought of a life as a pioneer and window cleaner makes me shudder.
well, that is my prediction for 2024 anyway!
hey, if watchtower can speculate..... https://youtu.be/dn8askhhwkw.
Announcement this evening simply said to update Life Forever book and ensure Publishers page shows July 2023 date. No mention of reprints or new printed version. After the meeting nobody mentioned it that heard.
my understanding was that this was the magazine regularly published for insiders only, unlike the watchtower and the awake!
looking online, it seems that the wt ceased publication of this in 2016. is it due to a name change (it seems to have changed its name several times over the years) or has it been succeeded by a new publication?
or has it ceased to be?.
- I remember it as Bulletin for a while. Of course bulletin is verboten because it is a Catholic word ( Papal bull)
@road to nowhere - I thought I was old!
"The service sheet of instructions entitled “Bulletin” appeared now monthly after October, 1922, encouraging all as “valiant warriors” to memorize Society-prepared testimonies, first called a “canvass,” in offering the Bible literature. (In October, 1935, this monthly service instrument was named “Director,” and finally in July, 1936, was given its present title “Informant.”)
...l Informant, July, 1936."
my understanding was that this was the magazine regularly published for insiders only, unlike the watchtower and the awake!
looking online, it seems that the wt ceased publication of this in 2016. is it due to a name change (it seems to have changed its name several times over the years) or has it been succeeded by a new publication?
or has it ceased to be?.
Those of us of a certain age will remember "The Informant" This changed to Kingdom Ministry in about 1957. From then it changed to Our kingdom Service and back again to Our Kingdom Ministry until 2016 I think.
Journeyman gave a good outline above. It really is dumbed down. Counsel is from a small 24 page booklet, "Apply yourself to reading and teaching". Gone are the days of Qualified to be Ministers etc.
well, that is my prediction for 2024 anyway!
hey, if watchtower can speculate..... https://youtu.be/dn8askhhwkw.
No, our Midweek Meeting is this evening, Thursday.